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Excel Spreadsheet Data
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Excel Spreadsheet Data | Microsoft Excel XP | Page 2

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Learn step-by-step everything about entering Excel spreadsheet data. Learn how to enter text, values, fractions, date, time or even current date & time.

Excel Office Helper What's on this page...
Entering Text
Entering Values
Entering the CURRENT Date or Time
Entering Date & Times

Entering Fractions
Entering the Same Data into a Range of Cells

Entering Values

Enter a numeric value as Excel spreadsheet data into a cell is just like entering text.

To enter numeric value into a cell, follow these steps:

1. Move the cell pointer to the appropriate cell.
2. Enter the value. (Just the value, no text allowed)
3. Press ENTER or any of the four direction keys on the keyboard. (↑↓→←)

The value displays in the cell, and it also appears in the Excel formula bar.

Excel Spreadsheet Data: Formula bar example

You can also include a decimal point, dollar sign, plus sign, minus sign, and comma.

If you precede a value with a minus sign or enclose it in parentheses, Excel considers the value to be a negative number.

Excel Office Helper
Sometimes the value isn't displayed exactly as you enter it.

Excel may convert very large numbers
to scientific notation or as ####. 

The formula bar always displays the value
that you originally enter.

If you make the column wider, the number displays as you entered it.

Excel Spreadsheet Data: Small column example

Entering The CURRENT Date Or Time

If you need to date-stamp or time-stamp your Excel spreadsheet data, Excel provides two shortcut keys that do this for you (which is a lot easier than having to dig out your calendar or look at your watch) provided that your computer has the correct date and time entered.

Current Date CTRL + ; (semicolon)
Current Time CTRL + SHIFT + ; (semicolon)
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See also... Enter Text| Enter Date & Time | Enter Fractions
Enter the same Data into a Range of Cells
Return to Excel XP from Excel Spreadsheet Data
Excel XP Topics
- Tips
- Excel Screen Layout
- Navigational Techniques
- Working with Workbooks
- Templates
- Working with Worksheets
- Moving Around
- Move Worksheets
- Copy Worksheets
- Insert & Delete Cells
- Insert & Delete Rows
- Insert & Delete Columns
- Resize Row
- Resize Column
- Editing Data
- Content Color
- Cell Color
- Number Formats
- Fonts
- Alignment
- Text Direction
- Indent Contents
- Merge Cells
- Copy
- Move
- Undo & Redo
- Using Zoom
- Freeze & Unfreeze Titles
- Split Worksheet
- Spreadsheet Data
- AutoFill
- AutoComplete
- Comment
- Find
- Replace
- Spellcheck
- Formulas
- Functions
- Print
- Password
- Sorting
- AutoFilter
- Advanced Filter
- Macros
- Charts
- Charting
- Charting Elements
- Gantt Chart
- PivotTable
- PivotTable Calculations
- PivotTable Layout
- PivotTable Format
- PDF to Excel
- PDF-to-Excel Converter
- Excel to PDF Converter