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Microsoft Office Excel XP | Alignment & Text Direction
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Learn step-by-step how to change the vertical and horizontal alignment of your Microsoft Office Excel worksheet cells. Also learn how to change the text direction of cell content.

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Cell Alignment
Text Direction
Indent Contents

Text Direction

Normally, the contents of a cell are displayed horizontally.

How traditional! In some cases, you may want to display the text vertically or at an angle for special effect, or to make it hard for your boss to figure out just where you messed up on last year's sales records.

Mirosoft Office Excel: Text Direction example 1

To change the text direction, follow these steps:

1. Select the cell or range to modify.
2. Choose Format ► Cells from the menu bar, OR press CTRL + 1.
3. Click the Alignment tab in the Format Cells dialog box.
4. Select one of the options in the Orientation section.
  Adjust the angle by dragging the gauge or specifying an angle (in degrees).
  Microsoft Office Excel: Format Cells dialog box - Alignment tab for Text Direction
5. Click OK to apply the formatting to the selection.

Indent Contents

Excel enables you to indent text in a cell. Using this feature is much easier than padding the cell with spaces to indent.

Remember that Indented text is always left-aligned.

To indent cell contents, follow these steps:

1. Select the cell or range of cells to indent.
2. Click the Increase Indent button on the Formatting toolbar to move the cell content to the right.
  Microsoft Office Excel: Increase Indent button Increase Indent button
  Click the Decrease Indent button on the Formatting toolbar to move the cell content to the left.
  Microsoft Office Excel: Decrease Indent button Decrease Indent button
OR Choose Format ► Cells from the menu bar, OR press Ctrl+1.
3. Click the Alignment tab in the Format Cells dialog box.
  Microsoft Office Excel: Format Cells dialog box - Alignment tab to change the indent
4. Specify the number of spaces to indent in the Indent text box.
5. Click OK.
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