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Microsoft Office Excel XP | Copy | Page 3

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Learn step-by-step all the different methods on copying cells and ranges in Microsoft Office Excel. Also learn how to copy data to another worksheet or workbook file.

Excel Office Helper What's on this page...
Copy a cell to another cell
Copying a range to another range
Copying data to another worksheet or workbook
Copy by dragging

Copy Formats

Copy By Dragging

If your mouse-skills are very good, you can choose to drag the content and copy it to another location.

If the location that you're copying to isn't too far away (and you want to conserve precious seconds or maybe just impress onlookers), you can drag data from place to place in Microsoft Office Excel.

To copy content by dragging, follow these steps:

1. Select the cell or range to copy.
2. Press and hold down the CTRL key.
3. Move the mouse pointer to any of the selection's borders. (Outline of the selection)
  Mirosoft Office Excel: Copy by dragging example
  The mouse pointer turns into a mouse arrow accompanied by a small plus (+).
  The plus next to the mouse-pointer indicates you're about to copy. The plus is showing because you're pressing the CTRL key.
4. Drag the selection to the new location where you want to copy the cell or range to.
5. Release the mouse button.

Copy Formats

Instead of redoing all your formats every time you want other cells or ranges to have similar formats, you can use a quicker way to copy the formats.

The Format Painter button allows you to copy the format from one cell to another or to a range of cells, all in one step.

To copy formats, follow these steps:

1. Select the cell that has the formatting attributes that you want to copy.
2. Click the Format Painter button from the Standard toolbar.
  Microsoft Office Excel: Format Painter button Format Painter button
  Notice that your mouse pointer has changed into a white cross with a brush attached to it - This let's you know you have the Format Painter activated.
  Also, the cell that you have chosen to copy from is encircled with a flashing dashed line.
  Microsoft Office Excel: Format Painter Example
3. Select "paint" the cells to which you want to apply the formats to.
4. Release the mouse button, and Excel copies the formats to the painted cells.

Excel Office Helper
Stay with the Format Painter

Double-clicking the Format Painter button causes the mouse pointer to remain a paintbrush after you release the mouse button.

This let's you paint other areas of the worksheet with the same formats.

To exit paint mode, click the Format Painter button again (or press Esc).

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See also... Copy a Cell to another Cell | Copy a Range to another Range
Copying Data to another Worksheet or Workbook
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