Additional Resources
Microsoft Word 2007 - Headers & Footers
instructions on how to add or remove headers & footers in a
Microsoft Word 2007 document. You will also learn how to insert additional info into them and
handle the occasional mishap with a header or footer!
Inserting Headers & Footers
A header is a little description that appears along the top of a page,
on every
page of the Microsoft Word 2007 document, so that the reader knows what's what. Usually,
headers includes the page number and a title.
A footer is the same thing as
a header, except it appears along the bottom of the page, as befits its name.
insert a header or footer into a document, follow these steps:
1. |
Choose the Insert Ribbon tab. |
2. |
Click the Header button, to insert a header, or click
the Footer button to insert a footer.
From the drop-down list
choose an option that suits your needs, or click on Edit
Header to type your own content for the Header.
Click on Edit
Footer to type your own content for the Footer. |
A dotted area opens up
at the top of your document page with a name tag that says
A new toolbar ― Header &
Footer Tools with an added Ribbon tab : Design ― appears
at the top of the screen. |
3. |
Type your header in the box or click on Go to Footer
to switch to your footer area and insert your content for your
footer. |
While you're typing away in the Header or Footer
box, you can call on most of the commands from any
of the Ribbon tab options.
You can change the texts font and size, click an
alignment button, or paste text from the
You can even add a border, clip
art or page numbers to the header.
4. |
insert page numbers with your header and footer, click the
Page Number button from the Design
Ribbon tab. |
5. |
Once you're done, click the Close Header and Footer
button from the Design Ribbon tab. |
Q: Why is my
Header and Footer grey or "faded" out?
Don't get scared now! This
is Microsoft Word 2007's way of showing you that this is the header and this is
the footer.
You can double-click in the grey header or
footer to go back into Header & Footer
To see how the finished header and footer fits with
the rest of your document, click on the
Office button, point to the arrow next to Print, and click on
Print Preview to get a good overview!
While you're busy with your header or footer you can also take advantage of the buttons on the
Header & Footer tools: Design Ribbon tab.
Have a look at what they do as listed below.
Option Group
What it does...
Header: Click to open the header
Footer: Click to open the footer area.
Page Number: Click and select a page number
position from the drop-down list to insert. |
Date & Time: Click to choose
from a list of different date & time formats to insert the
current date & time.
Quick Parts: Click to insert the different
document properties, a field or building blocks.
Picture: Click to insert a Picture that's save on your
hard disk.
Clip Art: Click to insert a clip
art image. |
Go to Header: Click Go to Header if you are in
your footer and want to switch to your Header.
Go to
Footer: Click Go to Footer if you are in
your header and want to switch to your Footer.
If your document
is broken up into Section Breaks, then...
Previous Section: Click this button to go to the previous
section in your document.
Next Section:
Click this button to go to the next section in your document.
Link to Previous: This allows you to link
different sections of the document to each other. This means that
the changes made in one section will also be done in the linked
Once linked, a tab to
the right of the header or footer will say "Same as
Previous", to remove this click on Link to
Previous to remove the header or footer being linked to
the previous one. |
Different First Page: Check mark
this option to have a different header or footer only on the first
page, like the index on the first page of a book.
Different Odd & Even Pages: Check
mark this option to have different headers or footers on all your
odd and even pages, like a book that as mirroring headers and
Show Document Text: Check mark
this option to have Word show the text on the document with the
Header & Footer, or not. |
Header position from Top: Change
the size of the space from the edge of the page to where the
header starts.
Footer position from Bottom:
Change the size of the space from the edge of the page to where
the footer starts.
Insert Alignment tab:
This allows you to insert tabs with dot leaders into your header
or footer. |
This button allows you to exit the Header and Footer
area and return to your normal document view. |
You might have inserted a header or footer content which you want to
remove from your document.
If your document has the same header or
footer on all the pages, removing the header or footer from one of the
pages will remove it automatically from all of them.
remove a header or footer, follow these steps:
From the Insert Ribbon tab click on
Header (or Footer) and choose
Remove Header (or Remove Footer). |
In Microsoft Word 2007, you can also double-click the header
or footer to edit them or delete the text or elements in them. |
Microsoft Word 2007
- On-screen elements
- Save a file
- Open a file
- Rename a file
- Delete a file
- Select
- Undo/Redo
- Deleting
- Copy
- Move
- Format Painter
- Font Attributes
- Font Dialog Box
- Alignment
- Highlight text
- Character Spacing
- Indent
- Line Spacing
- Change Case
- Symbols
- Borders & Shading
- Download Borders
- Page Break
- Section Break
- Header
- Footer
- Page Number
- Margins
- Landscape/Portrait
- Vertical Alignment
- Paper Size
- Print
- Print Preview
- Thesaurus
- Spelling & Grammar
- AutoCorrect