Antonyms Word List
Additional Resources
Antonyms Word List
Microsoft Word 2007 | Thesaurus
Step-by-step instructions how to find a synonyms and antonyms using
the Microsoft Word 2007 Thesaurus. It's easy to do!
If you can't seem to find the right
If the word is on the tip of your tongue but you can't quite
remember it - you can always give the Thesaurus a shot to find
synonyms or antonyms for a certain word.
To find synonyms (words
that have the same or similar meaning) or antonyms (words with the
opposite meaning) for a word in your document, start by right-clicking the
word and choosing Synonyms from the shortcut menu.
With luck, the synonym
or antonym you are looking for appears on the submenu and all you have to
do is click to enter the synonym in your document.
however, finding a good synonym or antonym word list is a journey, not a
Sunday stroll.
To search for a Synonym or Antonym, follow these steps:
1. |
Select the word who you want to find a synonym or antonym
for. |
2. |
Choose Review Ribbon tab ► Thesaurus. |
using SHIFT + F7
Sometimes, using a shortcut
key can be of great benefit. I find it makes my work go
faster! |
This opens up the Thesaurus Task Pane to the right of your
document. |
You'll notice that the Thesaurus gives a list of synonyms and antonyms
(if available) for the specific word you selected. |
3. |
Hover your mouse over the word you would like to use, a
drop-down arrow appears next to the word.
Click on the
drop-down arrow and choose Insert, to replace the synonym with the
word in your document.
You can click
on a word in this list to look up a specific word even further. |
Why is there only one Antonym?
If you want a
bigger antonym word list, simply double-click on the given
antonym and you'll find plenty more! |
Microsoft Word 2007
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