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Microsoft Word Help - Page Numbers

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Microsoft Word help with step-by-step on how to add or remove page numbers in a document. You can even add something more to each page number to make your word look better. The choices are endless!

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Insert Page Numbers

Microsoft Word help by numbering the pages of a document automatically when you use the Page Numbers command, which is great, but if your document has a title page and table of contents and you want to start numbering pages on the fifth page, or if your document has more than one section, page numbers can turn into a sticky business.

The first thing to ask yourself is whether you've included headers or footers in your document. 

If you have, go to Inserting Headers & Footers and read how Microsoft Word help you with page numbers. It explains how to put page numbers in a header or footer.

Otherwise you can just use the following actions to insert page numbers from scratch into your document pages.

To insert page numbers in your document, follow these steps:

1. Choose Insert ► Page Numbers from the menu bar.
  The Page Numbers dialog box appears.
  Microsoft Word help: page numbers dialog box
2. In the Position and Alignment boxes, choose where you want the page number to appear.

The lovely Preview box on the right of the dialog box, shows you where your page number will go.
3. Click to remove the check mark from the Show Number on First Page box if you're working on a letter or other type of document that usually doesn't have a number on page 1.
4. Click the Format button for further options.
  The Page Number Format dialog box appears.
  Microsoft Word Help: page number format dialog box
5. From the Number Format drop-down list, choose a new way to number the pages.

Notice the i, ii, iii choice. That's how the first few pages of books is numbered.
6. Click the check box of Include Chapter Number if you want to start numbering pages anew at the beginning of each chapter.

Pages in Chapter 1, for example are numbered 1-1, 1-2, and so on, and pages in Chapter 2 are numbered 2-1, 2-2, and so forth.
7. If necessary, choose a heading style from the Chapter Starts With Style drop-down list to tell Word where new chapters begin.

Chapter titles are usually tagged with the Heading 1 style, but if your chapters begin with another style, choose that style from the list.
8. From the Use Separator list, tell Microsoft Word help, how you want to separate the chapter number from the page number.

Choose the hyphen (1-1), period (1.1), colon (1:1), or one of the dashes.
9. The Page Numbering option matters if you've divided your document into sections.

Either start numbering the pages anew and enter a new page number to start at (which would probably be 1), or else number pages where the previous section left off.
10. Once you're done, click OK and then click OK again to get back to your document.

Word Office Helper Q: Why is the Page Number grey?

This is Word's way of showing you that you've used the Page Numbers command and not just typed it in as normal.
See also... Edit Page Numbers  |  Remove Page Numbers
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