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Word 2007 Tutorial | Fonts & Attributes
This Word 2007 tutorial will teach you step-by-step how to change fonts and add some
cool and interesting effects to your text.
Changing fonts can be lots of fun, lets add something special to your document
text. You'll see that doing these changes (and undoing them) are made
easy. Also learn how to change the character's position and spacing to
make your text look just right.
Align your text the correct way
with no hassle. And, just for fun, highlight your text for some
different effect different.
Word 2007 Tutorial: Changing
Fonts, Size & Color
is the catch-all name for type style and type size. This Word 2007 tutorial will
show you when you change fonts,
you choose another style of type or change the size of letters. Word
offers a whole bunch of different fonts. You can see their names by
clicking the down-arrow next to the Font drop-down list and scrolling
down the list.
Fonts with TT beside their names are TrueType fonts.
These fonts look the same on-screen as they do when printed on paper.
You can also find
downloadable Microsoft Word Fonts to add to your font list. |
To change the font of text, follow these steps:
1. |
Select the
text or place the cursor where you want the font to change. |
2. |
Click the
down arrow on the Font drop-down list from the
Home tab. You'll see the names of fonts, each one
dressed up and looking exactly like itself. Word puts all
the Them Fonts first in the list, then it shows the fonts you've used so far in the document to make it easier for you to find the fonts you use
most often. |
3. |
Scroll down
the list of fonts, if necessary. |
4. |
Click the
font name you want to use. |
This Word 2007 Tutorial will show you that it's easy
to change the font with the Font drop-down list.
To change the size of fonts text, follow these steps:
1. |
Select the
text or place the cursor where you want the larger or smaller
letters to start appearing. |
2. |
Click the
down arrow on the Font Size drop-down list, located on the
Formatting Toolbar. |
3. |
Scroll down
the list if you want a large font. |
4. |
Click a
point size 8, 12, 36, 48, etc. |
This Word 2007 tutorial will show you how to use the
Font Size button to change the size of text, or type in a new
size of your choice.
You can also change font sizes quickly by selecting the
text and pressing CTRL + > or CTRL + <, or by clicking in the Font
Size drop-down list, entering a point size yourself, and pressing
You can also change the font size of text by clicking the
Grow Font or Shrink Font buttons on
the Home tab.
Using the Font
Dialog box
To change fonts and font sizes at the same time, click
the Font dialog box expand button and make your choices in the Font dialog box.
Type (Font size) is measured in points. A point is 1/72
of an inch. The larger the point size, the larger the letters.
Business and love letters usually use 10- or 12-point type.
headings, choose a larger point size.
To change the Color of fonts text, follow these steps:
If you're lucky enough to own or have access to a color printer,
you can print text in different colors. And even if you don't own a color
printer, you can change the color of text on-screen. You may do that to
call attention to parts of a document or Web page. For example, Word
offers 35 colors, plus white, black, and four gray shades, as a standard list to
choose from. You can also click More Colors to have a wider choice of colors to
choose from.
1. |
Select the
2. |
Click the
down arrow beside the Font Color button (located at the end
of the Formatting Toolbar) and click a color, black,
white, or one of the four gray shades. |
To change
the color of the Font is as easy as clicking a button.
After you choose a color, the Font Color button changes
color and becomes the color you chose. To apply the same color
again, click the Font Color button without having to open the drop-down
Using the Font
dialog box:
You can also apply colors by using the
Font dialog box. To get there, click
the Font dialog box expand button from the Home tab. |
To change the color of fonts text back to normal, select it,
click the Font Color drop-down list, and choose Automatic.
The Font Dialog box has a lot more options to choose from. You can add
more effects to your text, your boss might even think you didn't use
The fonts dialog box allows
you to add a different kind of underline, e.g. a double underline. You can
change your characters to superscript or subscript, you can even change
your text to all caps, add a shadow, emboss or engrave your text. The
option for using double strikethrough is also available.
Q: What is Superscript and Subscript?
Superscript makes characters smaller (than usual) and places the
character above the baseline, e.g. 1st, 2nd, etc.
Subscript makes the characters smaller (than usual) and places
the character below the baseline, e.g. EGPlastic copyright etc. |
To add effects to text using the buttons, follow these steps:
1. |
Select the text you want to add an effect to. |
2. |
Click one of the effect buttons on the Home tab from the
Font group. |
You'll notice that the effect added to your text will keep the
selected button impressed. To remove this effect, just click on
the button again. |
To use the fonts dialog box, follow these steps:
1. |
Select the text of which you want to change the font. |
2. |
Click the Font dialog box expand button from the
Home tab.
The Font dialog box opens. You'll see
there are two tabs to choose from at the top of the window, for
the moment, leave it at Font. |
The Fonts dialog box
allows you to do some more specific adjustments to your
3. |
Now, you can select the Font, Style, Size and Font Color that
you want. You can also select a different Underline style from
the Underline Style drop-down list. |
4. |
From the Effects option group, make your choices as wanted.
You'll see as you checkmark an effect, the preview is updated.
You can check and uncheck any combination of the choices, unless
you are choosing the opposite of one another. For example,
Strikethrough / Double strikethrough, Superscript / Subscript,
Emboss / Engrave, Small caps / All caps.
Play around with
the choices and you'll see what each option does. |
Be careful when you choose the
"Hidden" option. When you hide text, they disappear from
the document page!
Q: How do
you get Hidden text "unhidden"?
Click on the
"Show/Hide" button.
 This will let the hidden text
magically appear, allowing you to select it and return to
the Font dialog box, and uncheck the "Hidden" option. |
5. |
Once you're done with your choices, click OK,
for the changes to take effect on your text. |
Anytime that you want to remove some effects, select the text,
go back to the Font dialog box and remove the checkmarks of those
you don't want. |
You can play around with your text a lot. You can change the spaces
between the characters of a word. You can also change the position of the
baseline of your text or of certain characters. The options are endless
with fonts!

To change character spacing or position, follow these steps:
1. |
Select the text of which you want to change character spacing
or position. |
2. |
Click the Font dialog box expand button from the
Home tab.
The Font dialog box opens. Click on the
Character Spacing tab. |
Use the Font dialog box to change the character
spacing and position options of your text.
3. |
Select a percentage from the Scale drop-down
list box. This will increase or decrease the scale of your text on
the page.
From the Spacing drop-down list
box, select Expanded or Condensed
and choose a point size by which you want to expand or condense
your text.
From the
Position drop-down list box, select Raised
or Lowered and choose a point size by which you want to
raise or lower your text.
You can use any of the three options
in combination with each other. |
4. |
Once you've made your choices, click OK, for
the changes to take effect on your text. |
Anytime that you want to remove some effects, select the text,
go back to the Font dialog box and select 100% or Normal of those
that you want back to normal. |
Some text are just better aligned on the right side of a page, e.g. an
address. Or aligned in the center of the page, e.g. a heading. Sometimes,
paragraphs (as in columns) are aligned on both sides, this makes the
columns look neater.
Aligning text is as easy as pie! Use the
following table to select different alignment for text.
All you have to do to align
text in a new way is select the text
and either click an Alignment button from the Home tab or
press a keyboard shortcut as shown in the table below.
Button Name |
Keyboard Shortcut |
What it does... |
Align Text Left  |
CTRL + L |
Lines up text along the left margin or left side of columns or
cells. |
Center  |
CTRL + E |
Centers text, leaving space on both sides. |
Align Text Right  |
CTRL + R |
Lines up text along the right margin or right side of columns or
cells. |
Justify  |
CTRL + J |
Lines up text on both the left and right margins or sides of
columns or cells. |
Highlighting your fonts text, gives your content a bit more emphasis where you choose
to have it.
To highlight text, follow these steps:
1. |
After you've typed your text, click the drop-down arrow next
to the Text Highlight Color button. |
2. |
Click on the color that you want to highlight with. Your
mouse-pointer changes and gets a little highlighter icon next to
it. |
Highlight mouse pointer |
3. |
Click-and-drag with your mouse pointer over the text that you want
to highlight. |
4. |
Click on the Highlight button again to return
your mouse pointer to normal.
Or, select Stop
Highlighting from the drop-down list. |
Q: How do I remove the highlight from text?
Click the drop-down arrow next to the Highlight button.
Choose No Color
and drag over the highlighted text. |
Microsoft Word 2007
- On-screen elements
- Save a file
- Open a file
- Rename a file
- Delete a file
- Select
- Undo/Redo
- Deleting
- Copy
- Move
- Format Painter
- Font Attributes
- Font Dialog Box
- Alignment
- Highlight text
- Character Spacing
- Indent
- Line Spacing
- Change Case
- Symbols
- Borders & Shading
- Download Borders
- Page Break
- Section Break
- Header
- Footer
- Page Number
- Margins
- Landscape/Portrait
- Vertical Alignment
- Paper Size
- Print
- Print Preview
- Thesaurus
- Spelling & Grammar
- AutoCorrect