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Word Macros | Page 2

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Learn step-by-step how to create, edit or delete Word macros for a document. You can also copy a Word macro to another document or template. If you're really juiced up with macros, you can even add it to a toolbar button, menu or shortcut key for easy access!

If you perform a task repeatedly in Word, you can automate the task by using a macro.

A macro is a series of Word commands and instructions that you group together as a single command to accomplish a task automatically.

Some other uses for macros can include:
► Speeding up routine editing and formatting.
► Combining multiple commands - for example, inserting a table with a specific size and borders, and with a specific number of rows and columns.
► Making an option in a dialog box more accessible
► Automate a complex series of tasks.

No matter what you choose to do, Word macros can make your daily tasks much easier!

Word Office Helper What's on this page...
Create a Macro
Assign a macro to a toolbar or menu
Assign a macro to a shortcut key
Run a Macro
Edit a Macro
Delete a Macro

Run Word Macros

Once you've created your Word macros, it is ready to use.

To run Word macros, simply click the Toolbar Button or use the Menu you've inserted.

You can also press the Shortcut Key combination that you've assigned to the macro.

You may also go to "Tools" ► "Macro" ► "Macros", and then click the name of the macro that you want to run and click the "Run" button.

Edit Word Macros

To edit a macro you need to use the Visual Basic Editor to make corrections, remove unnecessary steps, rename or copy individual macros, or add instructions that you cannot record in Microsoft Word.

To edit Word macros, follow these steps:

1. Choose "Tools" ► "Macro" ► "Macros" from the menu bar.
Use the Macros dialog box to do some further actions with your macros.
Word Macros dialog box
2. In the "Macro name" list box, select the name of the macro you want to edit.

If the macro doesn't appear in the list, select a different document or template in the "Macros in" box.
3. Click "Edit".
4. Microsoft Visual Basic editor is opened with the commands of your macro showing.

Do the changes that you need.
5. Choose "File" ► "Save Normal". Then close the Microsoft Visual Basic editor.

Delete Word Macros

You can always delete a macro from a document or template at any time.

To delete a macro, follow these steps:

1. Choose "Tools" ► "Macro" ► "Macros" from the menu bar.
Use the Macros dialog box to do some further actions with your macros.
Word Macros dialog box
2. In the "Macro name" list box, select the name of the macro you want to delete.

If the macro doesn't appear in the list, select a different document or template in the "Macros in" box.
3. Click "Delete".
4. You'll be prompted to confirm the deletion of the macro. Click "Yes"
  Word Macros: delete confirmation
5. Click the "Close" button to exit the Word Macros dialog box.
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See also... Create a Macro | Assign a Macro to a Menu or Toolbar
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Microsoft Word XP

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