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Word Tables

Word Tables

Word Tables | Page 6

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Learn step-by-step how to create, modify or even remove Word tables in a document.

The time will come when you need to put text into little boxes that are organized into columns and rows. Yes, were talking about tables here. As everyone who has ever worked on one knows, tables are a bit-of-the-unknown if you don't know how they work.

Getting all the columns to fit, making columns and rows the right width and height, and editing text in a table is not easy. So problematic are tables that Word has devoted an entire menu to constructing them: the Tables menu.

Fortunately for you, the commands on this menu makes formatting and working with tables easy.

This page explains how to create Word tables, enter text into tables, change the number and size of columns and rows, sort and format tables.

Word Office Helper What's on this page...
Construction of Tables
Creating a Table
-Insert Table Button
-Draw Table button
-Insert Table dialog box
-Convert Text to Table
Selecting Cells, Rows, Columns or the Whole Table

Inserting and Deleting Columns & Rows
Moving Columns & Rows
Resizing Columns & Rows
Merging and Splitting Cells
Splitting a Table

Merge & Split Cells

When you merge cells, is when you select a few cells and then join them together as one cell.

In the example below, the cells in the second row have been merged to create one large cell. Where the first and third rows have six cells, the second has only one.

Merge Cells in a table for headings and the like.
Word Tables: merge cells example

To merge cells in a table, follow these steps:

1. Select the cells you want to merge.
2. Choose Table Merge Cells or click the Merge Cells button on the Tables and Borders toolbar.

Word Tables: merge cells button Merge Cells button

Splitting cells allows you to split a cell into two or more cells, depending on your needs.

To split a cell, follow these steps:

1. Click in the cell you want to split.
2. Choose Table Split Cells or click the Split Cells button on the Word Tables and Borders toolbar.

Word Tables: split cells button Split Cells button
3. In the Split Cells dialog box, select how many cells you want to split the cell into. You can choose between columns or rows.
Use the Split Cells dialog box to split cells into 2 or more cells.
Word Tables: split cells dialog box
4. Once you're done, click OK.

Splitting Word Tables

You might have created a very large table. After having typed all the info into the table, you could realize you should have created two or more tables instead of one big table. Not to worry, you can just split the table into two separate Word tables, where you should have created another table.

To split a table, follow these steps:

1. Place the cursor inside, what you want to be the first row, of the new table.
2. Choose Table Split Table.
Back to Top
See also...
Construction of Tables | Create a Table | Select Cells, Rows, Columns
Insert & Delete Columns & Rows | Move Columns & Rows
Resize Columns & Rows
Working with Text
Sort a Table
Borders and Shading of a Table
Return to Microsoft Word XP from Word Tables
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